
2020 is shortly forthcoming and this year was full of happiness, laughter, grief, tears, hard work, and a whole lot of uncertainty. After taking the time to reflect, I have decided to make this post about being grateful because in my perspective, it is only possible to move forward if you can think back on the past with a positive outlook.

1. I am grateful for the privilege of living in a country with advanced healthcare, a country where insulin is not unattainable, and more importantly, a country with the technology to save lives.

2. I am grateful for a support system of family and friends who carry around juice boxes when I am too lazy.

3. I am grateful for people in my life who constantly check in to make sure I am making health a priority.

4. I am grateful for the opportunity to use my words to tell people not only my story, but the story of thousands of Type 1’s worldwide.

5. I am grateful for the education and support my doctors have given me to ensure that my life is COMPLETELY run by me.

6. I am grateful for my Dexcom keeping my mom and myself informed every 5 minutes of my blood sugars so that she can pester me whenever she sees a high or a low.

7. I am grateful for the ability to live in the 21st century where technology has made diabetes a whole lot more maintainable.

8. I am grateful to live in a country where I can openly talk about my diabetes without it feeling like it’s my fault.

9. I am grateful for access to health insurance to be able to afford medicine as expensive as insulin.

10. I am grateful for the maturity and understanding that I have gained about determination and discipline. It forced me to grow up, and trust me, I would never go back and change that.

11. I am grateful for the bad DKA experiences because they have taught me to be the change I vouch for.

12. I am grateful to live with a chronic disease because it reminds me that life is fleeting. Therefore, using each moment to better yourself is way more empowering than living in disdain.

13. I am grateful to understand my parents sacrifice. Countless hours worrying, constant blood pricks, overnight lows, test-day highs, and consistent worry is the life of a Type 1 parent.

14. I am grateful to have a solid support system with my med school and temple family that constantly remind me of self-care and faith in God to get through the difficult times.

15. I am grateful for each and every single person that listens to me talk about diabetes. I know it’s annoying. But, to be honest, it is 100000% more annoying to those that live with it. We all cope differently, so thank you for letting my words be my coping mechanism.

16. I am grateful that life was never too easy. Because it taught me to smile a whole lot more and stay true to myself under all circumstances.

17. I am grateful that people are willing to ask questions. It makes any and every diabetic feel more comfortable.

18. I am grateful for the diabetes jokes that people make either on purpose or on accident because yes diabetes is not a joke, but that does not mean we can’t make ourselves laugh about it. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

19. I am grateful for all those that donate towards or conduct research for people like me. Without you, I would still be taking 3 injections per day and pricking my finger 4-6 times.

20. To be honest, I am simply grateful.